How Startups Are Defying the Hardest Funding Climate in a Decade

In technology funding, the last few months have been brutal. According to CB Inisights, in Q2 of 2022, mega-rounds ($100M+) accounted for $50.5B in funding, a 31% fall from the previous quarter.

Investors are terrified of losing their money and the last few years have seen a rise in red flags. The stock market has not been kind to venture capital firms either.

The majority of startups have been hurt by this tightening funding environment and it’s made the road ahead much harder for startups. But software companies aren’t happy with just taking what they can get.

Many entrepreneurs are finding ways to overcome these difficulties and achieve their goals despite the circumstances. These companies aren’t afraid to take risks and try new things that may not work at first but eventually do yield positive results down the line. We explore six strategies startups are using to defy the hardest funding climate in a decade.

Build an exceptional product

In this new age of startups, there are few things that will get the attention of investors more than a great product. If you can create a product that people want, it goes without saying that investors will look at you favorably.

The trick here is to not rest on your laurels. The art of product development is not a linear one. It requires iteration, toil, and most importantly, learning from your mistakes.

If you have a solid product, it will evolve with time. And with each iteration, you will get better and find new ways to satisfy your customers.

Focus on a niche market

There are startups that have achieved success by tapping into a specific market and providing unique and relevant services.

If you fall into this category, your goal should be to find a niche market that no one else is covering. In this specific niche, you should be able to offer a service that is better than anyone else.

With a focus on a niche market, you will be able to carve a niche for yourself and position your product and brand in a way that is appealing to your target customers. You will be able to find loyal and committed customers in this way.

Be selective with your raise

Raising money is never a certainty. It’s a calculated risk that you need to be sure of.

If you raise too much money too quickly, you will most likely fail. On the other hand, raising too little may not give you the resources to achieve your goals.

In today’s startup funding climate, the best advice is to be selective with your raise. If you do, you can raise a relatively low amount of money that will allow you to get started.

Soon, you can use that money to expand and grow your business.

Don’t be afraid to pivot to meet market needs

The hardest part of building a successful product is finding the right balance between innovation and familiarity.

If you release a product that looks like every other product in the market, you will likely fail. Pivoting to meet the needs of your target customers is one of the best ways to overcome this challenging curve.

There will be occasions when you will realize that your product is not meeting the needs of your customers. This doesn’t mean that you have failed. It just means that you have to pivot to a new product architecture that is better suited to the needs of your customers.

Find the right investors early on

The application process to raise money can be long and tedious. This process can end up being a deal-breaker for some entrepreneurs.

If you are one of them, it’s better to get into the investor game early on. You need to find an investor who shares your vision and values.

As soon as you find the right investor, you should start working on building a relationship with them. This may seem like a lot of work but it will pay dividends in the long run.

You need to find the right investor early in your company’s life cycle and make an effort to build a relationship with them.

Create a sustainable business model

You put a lot of effort and time into coming up with a great product and developing a great team.

Now, you need to think about the business model of your company. You need to think about how you are going to make money from your product. There are a number of ways to make money from your product. You can charge a monthly fee, set up a freemium model, or offer a free product and charge for upgraded features.


Startups face a difficult funding climate as investors are scared about losing their money. Many companies have been hit hard by the worsening funding climate and have struggled to raise funding for their business models.

Entrepreneurs need to stay strong and not be afraid to take risks. If you focus on building a product that people want, you will likely find success in this difficult funding climate.

It’s also important to focus on a niche market that is underserved in the marketplace. You should also be selective when it comes to raising money and make sure that you have a sustainable business model in place.


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